Logo PerivallonPERIVALLON fights environmental crime. With PERIVALLON, we want to form a better and more complete picture of organised environmental crime.Therefore, we develop and test (digital) solutions for the detection and documentation of environmental incidents.In order to do so, we use different instruments like satellite data, remote sensing, online sensors, and social media. De Watergroep in particular is a partner because protecting drinking water sources and their surrounding environment is a priority.

What do we get out of the project?

PERIVALLON will make it easier to detect and follow up (intentional or unintentional) environmental incidents such as, for example, an incidental dam break releasing waste into waterways or the dumping of drug waste. End users, like De Watergroep, can then respond appropriately in a timely manner. 

Through the platform, De Watergroep wants to obtain a quick detection of and information on the spatial distribution of a contamination of a waterway, so that we get an early warning and a good follow-up. This will allow De Watergroep to anticipate and ensure that incidents have a minimal impact on drinking water production (reduced disruption/interruption/shutdown).

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  • Horizon Europe project
  • 24 partners
  • Consortium consists of five police and border protection authorities, three environmental protection authorities, six research/academic institutions, eight industrial partners, an EU agency and a foundation
  • PERIVALLON stands for Protecting the EuRopean terrItory from organised enVironmentAl crime through inteLLigent threat detectiON tools. Also, this is the Greek word (περιβάλλον) for environment.

The project started on 01/12/2022 and runs until 30/11/2025. This project is funded by the European Commission in the 'Horizon Europe' research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101073952.

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